Hi there, I’m Jen.
A Work in Progress
Professionally, I’m an Information Systems Analyst with a technical background. Personally, I’m a mom, wife, artist, serial entrepreneur. ‘Dreary Day’ is the handle I’m using to share a curated collection of my creations combined with online content that I find interesting.
Ironically, the phrase ‘Dreary Day’ evokes only good emotions for me. The feeling of a cozy safe space. Rainy, dreary days are my absolute favorite. My logo, an owl, reminds me of my grandmother, but also represents wisdom, instinct, mystery.
Thank you for somehow stumbling upon this project of mine, a work in progress!
Ironically, the phrase ‘Dreary Day’ evokes only good emotions for me. The feeling of a cozy safe space. Rainy, dreary days are my absolute favorite. My logo, an owl, reminds me of my grandmother, but also represents wisdom, instinct, mystery.
Thank you for somehow stumbling upon this project of mine, a work in progress!